Well hey there!
If you have ended up here, you're probably either curious about me, my brand name, the story of how this shop came to be or all of the above!
To start off, I'm Grace! Creator and designer of level One Apparel.
I have always loved art and design whether that be graphic design, painting, drawing or anything that requires being creative.
Several years ago God sparked a dream in my heart to create a clothing brand that would plant seeds and grow His kingdom.
It's been a very rough and sometimes discouraging journey, but the vision the Father gave me never faded and the spark never wavered.
Each of these designs are fully from the Lord and my prayer is that they will be a spark in someones life and further the Kingdom of Heaven!
How it all began...
Our story actually begins with a random guy in a tent.
I was inspired by some friends to create a hoodie with the word "Firepower" on it as a memory from an event that had occured a few years ago. We were sitting in a prayer and worship tent in Washington D.C. listening to a speaker preach the Word. As we were sitting there, we heard a man in the back say "Firepower" in the most nonchallant voice. We laughed about it later when it was brought up. Someone jokingly suggested we make tshirts with the word on it, so i began designing. As I was creating it, the Lord began to give me revelation on how as children's of God we do have "firepower" the fire of the Holy Spirit. I created the design and ordered a custom hoodie from a small business. As I wore the hoodie people would come up to me and ask what Firepower meant and I would explain the story. What started as a small memory, soon became this journey of me brainstorming the possibility of selling these hoodies. I began to research ways to create and sell and finally found a company that was a pretty simple process. Then one morning my sister asked if I had a name for my shop. She then told me that she thought of a name at 1am as she was falling asleep. "level One Apparel because the designs you create are like conversation starters which is the first level of sharing the gospel!" I didn't even have to think it over before I made it the name for my shop.
So here we are! My vision and prayer for Level One Apparel is that it sparks conversation, builds relationships, shares the gospel and brings revival!